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The Importance of Planning as a Mom Entrepreneur

Updated: Mar 30, 2024

The importance of planning as an entrepreneur is essential for moms.

Moms, if one thing is absolutely true about life it is that life is chaotic. As an entrepreneur, we need to make an effort to reduce that chaos as much as humanly possible. Otherwise, how would we ever get anything done? The best way to manage life as a mom entrepreneur is through planning and organization.

One of the definitions of an entrepreneur is a person that organizes and operates a business. When you have a business, you obviously need a space where you can plan, brainstorm, review numbers, and track goals. A well-organized planner for your daily use will help you stay focused, on schedule, and execute tasks. Keep in mind that a goal without a plan is just a wish. 

Entrepreneurship for moms is definitely an adventure and a journey.

What is the one thing you need for any great journey? A map! Without a map, how could you possibly know where you are going or how to trace back your steps? Think of your planner as your map. Now, before you get overwhelmed with a years’ worth of planning, start with baby steps. That feeling of being overwhelmed can suddenly leave you in a paralyzed state which then leads to procrastination or inertia.

Do not let that happen to you. Begin with just writing down your goals. Writing down your goals makes it far more likely that you will continue to work towards achieving them. Afterwards, have a brainstorming session on how you will attain your goals. Be realistic without selling yourself short. Push yourself outside your comfort zone. Once you have finally decided on the “how”, now you can start to plan on the “when”. 

Planning your schedule plays a huge part in your success.

A well-organized planner will help you in creating an effective schedule and improve your time management. As a mom entrepreneur, you know that time is of the essence. Scheduling your day, week, month, and year will leave less to chance and give you more control in obtaining your goals.

A mom entrepreneur without a schedule is just tumbling through their day trying to make life work for them and their business. Needless to say, that is just not a strategic plan when you are trying to manage your time effectively. If success means getting up two hours earlier to squeeze in a workout and read a chapter from a personal development book, then it needs to be added to the schedule.

Time block when you are going to shower, cook dinner, reach out to clients, review finances, etc. Do not just add tasks to a forgetful to-do list; put them in your schedule for guaranteed completion. 

Work & Life Planner Set in Roses Cover along with a Notes Planner Inset behind it and a matching Pocket Notebook on top.
The Work & Life Planner Set will help Mom Entrepreneurs plan their business and family life all in one! Click here

Organization matters in life as a normal individual and as an entrepreneur.

When you arrive home, you want to walk into a tidy and clean space. Coming home to a pile of mess and dirt trudged on the carpet can instantly cause you stress. How does this relate to business?

An entrepreneur without a dedicated space for running their business is just like the parent walking into their messy home. They write down their ideas on a random piece of paper, leave it on the coffee table, and then have no idea where to find it two weeks later. Maybe they created a to-do list on the back of an envelope which then gets mixed up with other envelopes. You see how this is just stressful and ultimately not effective?

With a planner and a dedicated work space, keeping your business organized is simple and pleasant.

In business, especially as an Mom entrepreneur, you need to stay focused.

Unless you have a business partner or an assistant, no one else is going to keep the “blinders” on for you. It can be so easy to become distracted with little things; and what is worse is when you get distracted by big things.

For instance, when life throws an unexpected curve-ball at you. Abrupt events in your life can be so impactful that you become overburdened with woe. Suddenly, productivity begins to decline and your sharp focus becomes totally blurred.

Remember that you are in control of your schedule and have the power to move tasks and activities out when emergencies occur. But whatever you do, do not just completely ignore your business and agenda. Block out some much needed “me time” on your planner. This will help keep you focused and productive even around your breaks.

"Consistency is key!"

As an entrepreneur, it is likely you have heard the above quote a million times over. How can anyone take you or your business seriously if you do not show up regularly?

Say for example that you have a business social media account where you share all that you do, what your brand is about, and related content. Do you believe that viewers will stick around if you only show up once a week?

There are other brands that appear on their account frequently and share content multiple times a day. That demonstrates to the viewers that they are active. If you are not active in your business, reminding your clients and viewers that you are active, you are not going to get much traction. Take the guess-work out of your day and start planning your activities to remain consistent. 

Do You Have a Planner you Love Using?

  • Yes! I use it everyday!

  • No, I'm just winging it

  • I have one but I don't Love it.

In Conclusion

Statistics have shown that entrepreneurs with a thorough business plan and an organized agenda have a higher percentage rate of success than those who do not have either. Not only are they more successful, but their businesses grow faster.

Meaning if you are not just running a little side hustle and you are actually serious about the business you have, you need to have a detailed plan and an outlined schedule. You need to be able to easily forecast your quarterly goals and have an overview of how the entire year should look like.

This allows you to know exactly how often you should be hosting a marketing campaign, or when to send a little something special to your clients, or even look over monthly numbers at a glance. If it is not already obvious, there are a multitude of advantages when you take the time to plan your future with detailed orientation. 

Thankfully, finding a planner that is designed specifically to help you with all these needs is right at your fingertips. Check out the Work & Life Planner made especially for Mom Entrepreneurs. Use Code: LadyBug20 for 20% off your first order.

Planning your day-to-day is advantageous to any and every one, but it is absolutely crucial to an entrepreneur. It is the fine line between their businesses’ success or failure.

Remember that success requires consistency in your productivity because success is not permanent, and neither is failure for that matter. If you failed today, keep your chin up and plan for a better tomorrow.

Written by:

Odalys Alvarez Ursell


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About the Author:

Hi Mama!

I'm Tiffani,
I am a hairstylist and salon suite owner turned blogger. I am a lover of all things heath and wellness and I am a planner enthusiast!

As a new mom I decided to leave my old business behind and start my new business online. I loved being home with my babe but I was alone a lot!

I didn’t know how to put it all together. I had no mentor and no peers to ask my questions. It was hard!

It took me a while to finally figure it all out......

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